The Problem
We’ve all been there; the process of building or modifying a website could last anywhere between a couple of minutes to a couple of months. The problem, however, is that usually you don’t want your visitors to see your progress. Instead, you’d like to redirect them to an attractive and actionable page that would:
- Tell them that the site is Under Maintenance (or Under Construction),
- Let them know when the site will be finished,
- Make use of their visit by redirecting them to your social media profiles or a contact form.
There are a couple of ways to do this with the way described here being probably the easiest and fastest to set up.
The Solution
DP Maintenance Mode is a very powerful plugin that allows you to create a clean, well designed and feature-rich Under Construction or Under Maintenance page in an efficient and easy-to-use manner. In this tutorial, we’ll go through setting up the Lite version of the plugin which you can download for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory.
The free version of the plugin is almost full featured and more than enough for most users. If you are curious though, there is also a paid version of the plugin with a bit more options and 8 more beautiful designs. This version you can check out here.
How to Set it up?
This guide will lead you through 8 steps we’ve used when setting it up on one of our client’s websites:
Each step will have an accompanying image as well on which you can click to zoom in.
What Now?
Now, the most important thing you can do is to actually meet your deadline. Especially, don’t let it expire and then have the timer display zero for an indefinite period of time.
In the meantime, keep up the good work, make sure you respond to your clients’ inquiries and, of course, test every single element on the Maintenance Page to make sure it’s working (nothing worse than wondering how come nobody emailed you only to find out your contact form has a typo in it).
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